Alfa Forni Customer - The Pampered Chef - The Best Pizza Dough

Alfa Forni Customer - The Pampered Chef - The Best Pizza Dough

The Pampered Chef Using the Alfa Pizza Oven

I had tried several premade doughs on the market along with dozens of homemade dough recipes…until I found and tweaked this one.  It is hands down the most perfect crust you will ever taste for a wood fired pizza!  
Here is my dough recipe and some of the pizza combo’s my pizza party guests and I have come up with.  Be sure to try the Blanca Fresca, the Tomato & Olive and if you are a blue cheese lover the So Blue with out you!  
I have found the biggest hassle is measuring the flour for any dough recipe...since sometimes counting to 5 uninterrupted can be a challenge!   So, my solutions is to weigh out SEVERAL baggies (I use thin gallon plastic bags) of flour!  Measure ONLY the 5 1/3 cups flour into a bag and weigh it ACCURATELY on a digital scale.  Record that number for future use!  Mine is 1 lb 14 oz but, yours could be different based on your humidity, etc.  It is extremely important to measure the flour and water in the recipe accurately for the perfect dough consistency!
So just weigh the flour, then to each of your flour bags, add your 2 tsp KOSHER salt and 2 TBS sugar. ( I usually can count to 2 uninterrupted)  DO NOT ADD THE YEAST, because the salt will kill the yeast as it sits locked together in the bag!  You will ADD the yeast when you put it in the bowl to mix with the water and oil.  
Be sure to follow the recipe as written, that 5 minute rest makes a difference and allows the dough to absorb the moisture from the water allowing the dough to become smooth instead of sticky.
Jane’s Wood Fired Pizza Dough
Makes 7 – 7 oz individual pizzas

5 1/3 Cup Bread Flour
2 tsps Kosher salt
1 tsp Instant Yeast – I use SAF brand from Walmart
2 TBS Sugar
Be sure to use the exact ingredients listed with NO substitutions, and measure
accurately! Mix dry ingredients together in Kitchen Aid Mixer with PADDLE
attachment, then ADD:
2 TBS Olive Oil and 2 cups plus 2 TBS room temperature Water
Combine, mixing with PADDLE on lowest speed for 1 minute!
Let dough REST for 5 minutes
Switch to DOUGH HOOK. Mix on MEDIUM LOW speed for 3 minutes. The dough will
transform to an amazingly smooth texture! Ahh! Remove dough from the bowl, stretch
and fold dough once, front to back then again end to end. Move dough to a LIGHTLY
oiled surface.
Using a sharp serrated knife, divide dough into 7 - 7 oz equal portions using a scale (or
whatever size you prefer – 8 oz is perfect for an ultra thin, crispy grilled pizza!) Form
each piece of dough into a smooth ball, pinching dough at bottom.
Oil well and place each dough ball in a plastic or glass storage container with a lid. If
you are using the dough fresh, you will want to let it sit and rest at room temp for about
2 hours before making into pizza. You can also refrigerating the dough until closer to
the time you are ready to use it. Take it out of the fridge and let it warm up and rest for
2-3 hours before making into dough recipes and Alfa Pizza oven pizza completed
If you want to make dough ahead and freeze, place each oiled dough ball into an
individual baggie, squeezing out excess air, placing on a cookie sheet and freeze until
solid. (I then put all the little baggies of dough into a large Ziploc freezer bag) When
ready to make pizza, take out as many baggies of dough that you will need and thaw in
fridge overnight. You can also thaw on counter for a few hours, but I prefer the texture
of the overnight thaw.
About 2 hours before you are ready to make pizza, take the dough out of fridge to
warm and puff up a little bit. I prefer to hand stretch & toss the dough vs rolling out the
dough or you will press out all the wonderful air bubbles! This makes a tender, puffy,
slightly chewy crust that works GREAT on the grill as well as in a pizza oven. When
cooking, DO NOT put too many toppings on crust….or you will be disappointed. Let
the dough peek through the toppings a bit!
Please let me know what you think when you try it.